Compact Research: Addictions Reviews

Synthetic Drug Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-764-6 / eBook: 978-1-60152-765-3
Internet and Social Media Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-760-8 / eBook: 978-1-60152-761-5
Heroin Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-756-1 / eBook: 978-1-60152-757-8
Gambling Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-758-5 / eBook: 978-1-60152-759-2
Sex and Pornography Addictions: ISBN 978-1-60152-762-2 / eBook: 978-1-60152-763-9
School Library Connection, November 1, 2015

Addictions are in the news, and this new series focuses on current forms of addiction Each book describes in detail the nature of the addictive substance or activity, the seriousness of the addiction, and what could or should be done about it. Throughout the explanations are facts and illustrations, mostly in graphic form, and primary source quotes from a variety of sources, making this series an ideal purchase for supporting Common Core Standards. Finally, in every volume there are sections devoted to Key People and Advocacy Groups, Chronology, Related Organizations, For Further Research, and Source Notes. This series is fascinating, timely, and very readable, filled with updated information and interesting facts. Students will find them immensely useful for research as well as for pleasure reading. Index.

Gambling Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-758-5 / eBook: 978-1-60152-759-2
VOYA, August 1, 2015

(Combined review with Compact Research: Disease and Disorders: HPV) A frank survey of medical statistics concerning HPV and the HPV vaccine, Parks’s summation incorporates charts, photos, sidebars, research chronology, and primary sources to valorize the need for immunization. The fact-filled text covers the risks from cervical cancer as well as other types of sexually transmitted diseases, particularly the human immunodeficiency virus. Primary and secondary indexing leads the reader to specifics of population protection, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cervical Cancer Coalition. To assess arguments against universal inoculation, the author incorporates a fair appraisal of objections to immunization.

Similarly candid, Wilcox’s overview of the insidious nature of pathological gambling features an annotated sketch of the brain, a timeline of psychological studies, and extensive bibliography of print and electronic resources. The text lacks illustrative photos. Wilcox stresses the impact of unbridled urges on the gambler’s life, finances, and family. The balance of details about casinos, Internet gambling, bankruptcy, affected prison inmates, and therapy alerts the reader to the popularity of gambling and the seriousness of addictive behaviors. For their solid research and accessibility, both books deserve places in the middle school, high school, and public library.
—Mary Ellen Snodgrass.

Synthetic Drug Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-764-6 / eBook: 978-1-60152-765-3
Internet and Social Media Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-760-8 / eBook: 978-1-60152-761-5
Heroin Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-756-1 / eBook: 978-1-60152-757-8
Gambling Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-758-5 / eBook: 978-1-60152-759-2
Sex and Pornography Addictions: ISBN 978-1-60152-762-2 / eBook: 978-1-60152-763-9
School Library Journal, April 1, 2015

Gr 7 Up—This well-organized, informative textbooklike set presents information about five common types of addiction and asks readers to examine sources, analyze data, and come to conclusions about the seriousness of the addictions discussed and how they impact peoples’ lives and relationships. Well-chosen quotes from primary sources are presented, as well as cited research, graphs, tables, and data charts. This particular series will be valuable to students doing research, though the tone is on the dry side.

Gambling Addiction: ISBN 978-1-60152-758-5 / eBook: 978-1-60152-759-2
Booklist, April 1, 2014

Until recently gambling was seen as a moral failure rather than an addiction. This informative (if sometimes repetitive) title in the Compact Research: Addictions series explains the evolution in thinking about gambling, as well its hallmark signs. An overview, which hits many of the key points, is followed by chapters that look at why people become addicted, the costs involved, and how to overcome gambling addiction (with resources provided for those who need help). The book dispels the commonly held notion that gamblers are interested in a big payout; mostly they are looking to get “in the zone” and experience the high that comes with playing these games. The book is peppered with charts, graphs, and primary source quotations, and will strike a chord with kids who have gambling issues in their family—or may be gambling themselves.